Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Father's Day Green Light

The book is in progress. Coming up with ideas has not been an issue. The greater problem has been tearing myself away from writing it long enough to work, sleep and eat.

I did start with the posts from this blog. I arranged them by topic, and within topics in chronological order. Took me several days of playing around with them to finally come up with the main idea.

Over the past two weeks the framework for the book has come together. I've written nearly 100 pages all together. Yesterday I finished the first 40 pages enough to print them out for Andy to read.

The book starts before I was born and will likely end with the night I went to Johnny Angel's with Lynn and realized I was gay. The second book picks up from there. Not sure whether the "rest of the story" will end up in that book or require another volume.

I discussed the book with my parents this week. I'm writing about the way things were before they married and wanted to check a few details. The difference in reactions was very interesting.

Mom was happy I was writing it and worried about what will be in it. She told me I was not permitted to write about certain things. As we talked the list of forbidden topics grew.

She made me feel like the book was a bad idea--something I shouldn't do. Why couldn't I write fiction? The truth is just too painful.

Dad called to thank me for his Father's Day gift. I told him about the book. He was nothing but supportive.

He completely understood about it being my story, and hence, my recollections. He thought the central premise was right on target and clarified a few details for me. He mentioned things he thought I should know and was surprised to hear they were already in the book.

We talked about some of the secrets specific to his side of the family. I shared my concerns. He says tell the truth--don't gloss over anything.

Well I'll be damned...

You'll understand the significance a lot more after you've read the book!

1 comment:

CathyB said...

Waa Hoo!! Glad to hear things are rolling along! I still haven't touched mine. Seems like I only get truly inspired when I'm supposed to be working. Maybe that's because when I'm not working there's always 1001 other things that I have to do. Yay for dad... mom will come around. maybe. I've missed your posts, but glad to know you're working on something for us to read later. Keep up the good work!!

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