Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today in My Garden

Most my garden photos are taken an hour or so before the sun goes down. Today I went out at 3:00 to get some shots in full sun. Normally I have no trouble narrowing the field of photos down to three. Not today.

Years ago I planted some Beidermeir Columbines. The original plants and several generations since are long gone. The complex blossoms are among my favorites.

I have no idea what kind of peony this is. It's supposed to be a pink with single blossoms. The other two that came in the same package are pink.

I've planted half a dozen native azaleas. Three still survive--this is the only one that blooms. I think they get too much shade.

You've seen this combo before--in my last post about the garden. I'm in love with the deep red azaleas and think they look great with the pansies. That's one of the benefits of blogging--I decide what goes in!

This combo was featured in the last garden post, too. The Beauty Bush blooms look white but are actually a very pale pink. Beneath them you can just make out the amsonia blue star just coming into bloom.

Finally, a single white iris. These were growing in the lot when the house was built. I suspect my backdoor neighbors threw them over the fence.

And that's what's happening today in the garden of...

The Crotchety Old Man

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